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Author Award
Apr 17, 2024
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Though this would be nice to be able to do without becoming an LLC, we needed to with the demand we have. So many people want to participate. The moment they hear about this, they want to start working toward having a portfolio of submissions. This process of bringing the amends to light takes time and money. We are going to figure a way to pay administrative costs and keep following the amends progress available. This Is an exciting time as we will now be able to start accepting new amends projects. New stories. New hope. Currently the only way to participate is a loved one must help, or an insider must connect with another, or a lawyer needs to activate an account for the person making an amends. This Is a small scale operation, so we need to take things slow. We can only publish one thing at a time. Please be patient as we grow. Thank you for understanding and your patience.
Author Award
Apr 12, 2024
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These guys are doing the right things. They are being mentors, guides, navigators, and resource connectors. Way to go fellas! Keep up the good work!
These fellow incarcerated individuals may not be getting out, but they are doing good things where they are. Being a mentor and peer support specialist gives these people a purpose and skills. This is a new program in CDCR, this is one of the first groups to be advising and mentoring to be part of the solution. They have asked me to share their progress as part of making amends. They are doing all they can to be role models. Way to go!
#MichaelEdgar, #RichardRandall,#CesarBarron, #SaulDiaz, #GregoryHoenshell, #JohnnyRodriguez, #MarkDekins, #FabianFlores, #JasonLaMarsh, #HumbertoGalvez, #RicahrdAlvarez, #JasonBerg, #JuanRodriguez, #JoshuaPeerman, #AdrianBeruman
Author Award
Feb 15, 2023
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Hello, as many of you are being cyber bullied, so is my page. PLEASE know I do not support any gambling or betting or any cyber-junking...I will try to block any foolish shenanigan! I do not want the casino junk getting into my page and corrupting. My comments are misspelled and sound like someone talking, like regular. Because I am. I am not here to support bad habits. I am here to help those people who are down in a lions den, be seen as human again and show their changed behavior. Soon, I hope to have this site set up as a thriving business with an editing manager, IT staff, and data entry, but for now, just know I am trying to get this started and thriving on my own for an old school project. This project is humble and raw. I am just trying to be part of the good. Please allow for changes to this site along the way as my clientele grows and I become a true small business. I am excited for this journey. Thank you for your support.
Author Award
Dec 29, 2022
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The projects do not happen easily. For No Shave November, the inside coordinators were Sammuel McCauley G59178, Joshua Blount G33601, Louise Montes V47245, Richard Randall K27451, Jason Berg K56070, Andrew Rodriguez T44352, and Juan Rodriguez V19362
Author Award
Aug 03, 2022
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What if your children had some friends over to your home? What if they’re playing baseball outside By throwing a ball at your neighbors wall? What if one of the children broke a neighbors window by throwing the ball at the neighbors window instead of the wall? Would you punish all the children along with one who broke the window? Would you hold them equally responsible? Would you treat them as if they all broke the window? What if you knew they were throwing a baseball where a window could possibly be broken but you knew that was not their intention, should you be equally punished for the broken window? After all, you didn’t know it was a possibility! If you did punish everyone of the children, or you yourself were punished, what lesson would be taught? Should they all be accountable for the action of the one who chose to break the window? Accountability is the obligation to account for your actions. Should all the children be held accountable, should you? I think not. I will ask you another question, should the one who broke the window be only punished for one week and all the others present be punished for three weeks? If there is an argument that they share equal accountability, shouldn’t they all be punished equally? I ask this question because my brother has been incarcerated since he was 16 years old (a child by legal standards). He was convicted of a murder under California’s felony murder rule. He was not the principal in his case, which means he did not actually commit the murder; because he was there he was found guilty. I question accountability because in fact my brother is still incarcerated and the actual murder has been set free almost 20 years now. So, in my brothers case, he is being held three times as accountable as the principal guilty party. I ask you, is this system of outdated justice what we want in our society? My brother has been incarcerated for 29 years for murder that another child committed. He continues to this day to be held to a higher standard of accountability than the actual principal murderer. In typical situation, for the District Attorney to convict a person of murder proof is needed of three applicable element. 1, That the accused had the intent to kill. 2, malice toward the victim, and 3, afterthought or a plan to kill the victim. Three significant elements demonstrate that person set out to take a life. The Penalty for which is a sentence of 25-to-life in state prison. However, to convict a child, as my brother was, or any other human being, the district attorney need not prove intent, need not prove malice, nor do they need to prove afterthought. All that is needed is establish a theory that one of 19 underlying felonies was committed, in my brothers case it was a robbery. If one of the people involved in that robbery commits murder, then everyone involved can be held responsible for the murder, no matter what role they played. The past 5 years in prison, after serving three times the amount of time of the actual murderer, my brother got a chance for a parole consideration hearing. He has had three hearings since. These hearing that are conducted resembles a supplementary unlawful trial that consists of a prosecutor and alternate theories of motive and crimes that my brother has never been charged with, he’s never received a fair or legal trial for these new accusations and he was never been convicted of said crimes that the parole board decides to accuse him of at his parole hearing. The parole hearing is intended to find suitability after 29 years of corrections and rehabilitation. These alternative motives, theory, and crimes have been used to question my brothers credibility and insight, resulting in a denial of parole time and time again. In our empathetic and enlighten society, can you see this awful standard that we continue to hold onto? How is it possible that we can? We must come together as a community to correct as archaic and egregious form of states sponsored slavery. Sending a child or any human being to the department of corrections and rehabilitation should be the purpose of corrections and rehabilitation not to exact revenge or throw a human life away. Our present system is damaged; harsh and excessive sentencing and unjust unrestraint at a parole consideration hearings is unacceptable! We need to develop a sense of righteous indignation when it comes to our legal and prison systems. We need to find a way to hold people accountable for their own individual actions, and assure a fair pro consideration method, with a structured process. after 29 years the department of corrections should find every reason to release my Brother and not make up new “truths” that day, that have nothing to do with his case, and then hold them against him denying him a chance to reunite with society. This is a child sent to prison for almost 30 years for a crime he was present at. Unfair!
Author Award
Mar 26, 2022
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Author Award
May 16, 2021
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Richard was a 16 year old that was sentenced to 3 life terms for a murder he did not commit. He did not know the person before the night he was taken along for this ride. I start the discussion with that because he is guilty, but not for murder. He did not report the crime. He was a child, how long is long enough? Should we hold children in prison for a never ending term? What that does to a person is hard to undo. Richard has spent 3 years prior to age 16 in custody, and has been locked up since 2 months after turning 16 years old. Collectively Richard has spent 31 years of his 44 years alive in custody. Who failed who? There is so much behind the story, but the bottom line is this, what has the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation done with this human being after 28 years? Clockwork Orange? What? Can he have a fair and honest review of his case? Child services should have intervened in 1987, when it all began. We will be listening in on Monday May 17th, 2021 to hear what the Executive Board has to say. Stay tuned 11/4/2021 not a happy birthday not a happy day. Even though Richard has apologized, formally writing, the parole board and others involved in this case did. It pass the letters to the family. Richard was denied for three more years. the system is broken. They fail! Richard and many other men are doing hard time with programs to help them. Public visibility To the amends an inmate is making is failing all parties. Fuel for my fire to public ally share Richard’s apology and many others. Please voice your concern by writing to the parole board and Governo’s office. Please help those that do not have a voice to say they are sorry.
Author Award
May 13, 2021
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If anyone has ever been to prison, one thing is for sure, you don't want to go back. Having a solid parole plan takes organizations and community support. The person in prison may be ready to come out and participate in the working class, but without a good plan the parole board is not going to allow them to be released. Take time to find your local resources. If a person gets out after 30 years in prison, do they even know that the resources available to them require email and a cell phone. If your person is seeking a parole plan, you could help them by giving them your local 211 resources so they do not go back due to destitute. There are a lot of plans you can find online, but they have to be personalized. Inmates do not always have access to the internet, so you would give them a blank draft of what a plan needs to have but let them fill it in. The process of helping with a plan takes about a year. Everything must be sent through the snail mail (USPS). Once the inmate have a clear plan and it has been accepted, after the person is sent back to the streets, they will have that plan to help them in times of need.
Author Award
May 13, 2021
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